Battery cell tester cyclerCT-4008T-5V6A-S1主要面向於3C消費電子類商品電池的檢測,18650/21700/26650/鎳氫鎳鎘/鋼殼鋁殼/方形軟包電池進行容量、迴圈壽命,直流內阻測試。加入諮詢加入諮詢 -
WavePico Wireless Basic BundleWPW-BASICWaveNow® 恒電位儀系列最新推出的超低電流選項可讓您享受無線控制電化學實驗的自由! WavePico 無線恒電位/恒電流儀為您提供fA電流解析度、便攜性和遠端實驗室訪問,而不會產生佈線問題。 這是一款非常適合在手套箱中使用的恒電位儀 - 只需將整個儀器與電化學電池一起放入手套箱中,並在需要避免與附近電腦的空氣接觸的地方進行伏安實驗。加入諮詢加入諮詢 -
EChem in a Box - Core Products Pack
EChem in a Box - Core Products PackECIB1-COREChem in a Box is your cost-effective, easy-to-implement, and simplified way to incorporate experimental electrochemistry into your laboratory curriculum. The EChem in a Box Standard Bundle includes sufficient supplies to perform the experiments found in Experimental Electrochemistry: an Introductions for Educators; however, the specific arrangement of your laboratory may require additional products. Depending on the number of students in the course/section, additional core products may be necessary. In general, each student (or group of students) will require one each of the items in the Core Products Pack to perform the laboratory exercises simultaneously. The Core Products Pack is intended for the following:
- Larger (greater than 10-12 student/student groups) enrollment laboratory sections
- Increasing the number of students/student groups that can conduct the lab simultaneously
- Use in more than one course/lab/section simultaneously
- Replacement of worn core products
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WaveVortex 10WaveVortex 10WaveVortex® 10 是 Pine Research 設計的一款小體積研究級旋轉電極系統。 WaveVortex 10 佔地面積小,是在空間有限的實驗室或在手套箱內進行精密旋轉盤電極 (RDE) 和旋轉環盤電極 (RRDE) 實驗的理想儀器。 WaveVortex 10 的設計將旋轉器、控制單元、軸和附件整合在一個精巧的機箱中。 WaveVortex 10 相容於 Pine Research 生產的各種標準 RDE 和 RRDE 電極,以及我們的許多槽體、玻璃器皿和配件。加入諮詢加入諮詢 -
Internal heaterThere are two ways of creating a temperature gradient across the length of a standard bar sample. The simple way is to move the sample slightly away from the center of the hot zone in the furnace. Another possibility is to install an internal heater. The first method is the most common way to do it and is a reliable method as long as you wait until the conditions have stabilized before doing the measurements. An internal heater can be bought separately either with or without a power supply.
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ACIS SystemProboStat™ ACIS is a sample holder dedicated for AC conductivity measurements and 2-electrode impedance spectroscopy on small disk samples at high temperatures and under controlled atmospheres. Special design of the hot-zone parts facilitates mounting and replacement of test samples compared with the standard ProboStat™ furnishment. The test sample rests in a support tube, is contacted by electrode connects, and held stably in place with a spring load assembly. The setup is assembled in a single chamber mode and can be fed with virtually any gas. The sample holder is designed to operate at near-atmospheric pressure, but can be pumped to low vacuum, or hold up to 15 bar. Electrical connections are made via standard coax cables.加入諮詢加入諮詢 -
1Hz~20kHz磁場探棒 (100cm2)
Microrad Magnetic Field Probe: B Field, 1 Hz -20 kHz20B- 頻率範圍:1Hz~20kHz。
- 動態範圍:>94dB。
- 指向性:3軸向。
- 靈敏度:>0.1µT。
- 高通濾波器(截止頻率@1.5Hz)。
- 搭配NHT310寬頻電磁場分析儀或NHT3D選頻/寬頻電磁場分析儀使用。
- 典型應用:電力線、工業設施/場所、CEI EN 50500(“在鐵路環境中,與人體曝露有關的由電子及電氣設備所產生的磁場位準的測量程序”)。
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Microrad Electric Field Probe: E Field, 100 kHz - 6.5 GHz06E- 頻率範圍:100kHz~6.5GHz。
- 動態範圍:>65dB。
- 指向性:3軸向。
- 最大的測量位準:650V/m(連續波)。
- 搭配NHT310寬頻電磁場分析儀或NHT3D選頻/寬頻電磁場分析儀使用。
- 典型應用,例如工業烤箱、焊接系統、射頻加熱、熱處理及乾燥系統;電療設備及醫療設備射頻產生器、核磁共振機;發電廠及相關的維護與控制系統;敏感場所(醫院);鐵路及往返運輸測量系統;無線電信系統例如行動電話基地台、衛星通信設備、廣播設備、WiFi、Wi-Max及LTE。
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Microrad Electromagnetic Field Meter DC-40GHzNHT310- 可更換搭配各式探棒,在DC~40GHz寬頻測量電場、磁場及電磁場。
- 鋁合金外殼。
- 內建GPS接收器及溫度感測器。
- 電池續航力超過70小時,記錄時間可長達24小時以上(5秒間隔)。
- 多種監測功能:
- 可執行連續的監測活動,並藉由啟用START/STOP功能,而定期儲存測量值。
- 可在儀器內部記憶體儲存多達8個監測序列,並可將資料下載到個人電腦;可記錄最多21,504個取樣。
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Metrel Multi-Purpose High-Voltage Demonstration Box 10kVMI 3299- 開發用於在高壓絕緣診斷時的示範用途。
- 配備不同範圍的高品質電阻器、高壓電容器及放電裝置,可模擬氣體中的擊穿現象。
- 可示範極化指數(PI)、介質放電(DD)及介質吸收比(DAR)的測量。
- 也極適用於DC高壓絶緣電阻儀器的基本校正。
- 具極低電壓係數的10kV額定電阻。
- 配備200kΩ、500MΩ、200GΩ及2TΩ的十進位電阻器。