熱像儀器應用 > 航海/邊防/保安/監視紅外線熱像儀
SATIR Bestselling Infrared Camera for Security & Surveillance Applications 型號:SATIR UMTI
- 為最適合保全應用的手持式紅外線熱像儀,例如在夜間執行巡邏勤務。
- 可基於安全觀察的目的,拍攝紅外線熱影像及錄製影片,例如,在一個受保護的野生動物園區。
- 白天與晚上都適用,因為可以“看穿”黑暗、陰霾及煙霧,使用者可不受車輛眩光或探照燈影響。
- 小巧輕量,僅重650g,極為便攜及好操作。
- 具有384x288像素解析度紅外線偵測器,可產生110,529個像素,能提供良好畫質的環境影像。
- 影像調色盤模式為黑熱/白熱,是基於安全理由進行紅外線監視的推薦色盤模式。
- 使用可充電鋰電池電源,電池續航力3.5小時,由於機體極為輕便,方便攜帶備用電池,以延長監視時間。
- 影像資料輸出是透過視訊或觀景窗;觀景窗有一個加壓的眼罩,即使長時間觀看,也不會感到不舒服。
- 具有2倍、4倍變焦功能,使用者可以將目標看得更清楚。即使不經意面向太陽,攝影機也不會損壞。
- 使用28°x21°鏡頭時,可識別人與車的距離分別為86m及288m。另提供選購的鏡頭。
- 標準配備電池、電池充電器、數據連接導線。
- 主要特點:
- 384x288像素解析度紅外線偵測器。
- 輕量便攜式設計。
- 操作簡單。
- 內建錄影系統(MP4格式)。
- 通用可充電鋰電池。
- 機殼符合MIL-STD-810標準,適用於惡劣粗糙的環境。
- 解析度:384x288像素。
- 熱靈敏度(N.E.T.D):≤ 0.05°C @30°C。
- 偵測器類型:非致冷式焦平面陣列。
- 光譜範圍:8~14µm。
- 視野(FOV): 28° x 21°,可選購8° x 6°。
- 功耗:<4W。
- 電池續航力:>3小時。
- 啟動時間:<20秒。
- 儲存(2GB):
- 20,000張影像。
- 1小時影片。
- 機殼防護等級:符合軍規MIL-STD-810。
- 機身重量:650g。
- 機身體積:188 x 94 x 80mm。
- 電源輸入:鋰離子可充電電池。
- 視訊輸出:PAL或NTSC。
- 詳細規格、配件、軟體及選購,歡迎洽詢。
- The SATIR UMTI is a handheld infrared thermal camera that is best suitable for security applications such as carrying out patrols of premises at night time.
- The UMTI can take thermal images and video recording for security observation for example in a protected wildlife park.
- The UMTI is suitable for use during the day and in the night as it can penetrate through darkness, haze and smoke. The user will not be affected by glare of car or search lights.
- It has a compact size and weighs 650g which means it is a highly portable IR camera that is easy to carry and operate.
- The SATIR UMTI has a 384X288 IR detector which generates 110592 pixels, this will give the user a good clear image of the environment.
- The image palette mode is black/white hot which is the recommended colour palette to use when carrying out infrared surveillance for security purposes.
- The SATIR UMTI has a rechargeable lithium battery that will operate for 3.5 hours and a spare battery can easily be carried to extend the surveillance due to the camera lightweight design.
- The image data output is via the video or the viewfinder. The UMTI has a pressurised eyepiece which means the user will have comfort when watching the viewfinder for long durations.
- The UMTI has a 2x, 4x zoom functions which allows the user to see their object closer. If the UMTI is accidentally faced towards the sun, the camera won’t be damaged.
- The UMTI can recognise humans at a range of 86m and recognise cars at a range of 288 (based on 28°x21°). Optional lenses are available on request.
- When buying the UMTI you will receive, batteries, charger, data connection cable.
- Features:
- 384×288 IR Detector
- Portable Design
- Easy to operate
- Built-in video recording system (MP4 format)
- General purpose rechargeable battery (Lithium Battery)
- MIL-STD-810 standard encapsulation for harsh environments
- Resolution: 384x288
- Thermal Sensitivity (N.E.T.D): ≤0.05°C @30°C
- Detector Type: UFPA
- Spectral Range: 8~14um
- FOV: 28°x21°,8°x6°(optional)
- Power Consumption: < 4W
- Battery Operation Time: >3 hr
- Start-up Time: < 20s
- Storage: ~20,000 images~1 hour video (with 2G storage space)
- Encapsulation: MIL-STD-810
- Weight: 650g
- Dimensions: 188x94x80mm
- Power Input: Li-ion Rechargeable battery:
- Video Output: PAL(or NTSC)
- Please feel free to contact for detailed specifications, accessories, software and options.