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Norecs > Probostat system
  • 燃料電池測試系統概要


    ProboStat, overview
    The ProboStat™ is a cell for measurements of electrical properties, transport parameters, and kinetics of materials, solid/gas interfaces and electrodes under controlled atmospheres at elevated temperatures up to 1600ºC. The versatile construction and broad range of accessories of the system are based on years of development and experience in the Kofstad/Norby group at the University of Oslo. A ProboStat™ system offers a cost-effective alternative to developing and building your own cell for studies, characterization and testing of inorganic materials, electroceramics, fuel cell components, membrane materials, etc.
  • 擴充系統


    Extensive System
    • Disk samples of varying diameters
    • Controlled atmospheres and concentration cells
    • 2, 3 and 4 electrode setups
    • van der Pauw 4-point measurements
    • Bar samples (4-point and Seebeck)
    • Conductivity, impedance spectroscopy, DC measurements
    • Transport number, permeability, etc.
  • 高壓標準系統


    High Voltage Normal System
    • Polarization of dielectrics, breakdown tests, plasma electrodics etc. 
    • Controlled atmospheres or vacuum 
    • Tolerate to > 10 kV DC (feedthroughs / base unit only – actual tolerance depends on sample and atmosphere/pressure)
  • 標準系統


    Normal System
    If you need to do electrical characterization at high temperatures and in controlled atmospheres, we suggest a ProboStat™ normal system package. It includes what you need to get started with one method (e.g. 2 and 3-electrode measurements on disks). More methods can be added by adding components later on - the ProboStat™ base unit is ready for them all.
  • 標準+系統


    Normal Plus System
    System contains and does the same as the Normal system, but has more of the vulnerable parts and consumables like spring load alumina tubes and electrode contacts.
  • 簡易系統


    Minimum System
    • base unit with all connections and options
    • 1 enclosing tube (alumina or fused quartz)
    • 1 alumina disk sample support tube
    • 1 alumina spring load assembly
    • 20 feedthrough contacts for user's making of detachable thermocouples and electrode contacts
    • Coax cables, thermocouple plug, and gas quick-connects
    • Manual
  • 基本系統


    Base Unit System
    The base unit alone is an option for those who want to make their own accessories and connections from scratch and /or need to reach ultimate low-cost. It may also serve those who want to equip an earlier package with one more unit to increase measurement throughput and make better use of all accessories.
  • 交流阻抗架構


    ACIS System
    ProboStat™ ACIS is a sample holder dedicated for AC conductivity measurements and 2-electrode impedance spectroscopy on small disk samples at high temperatures and under controlled atmospheres. Special design of the hot-zone parts facilitates mounting and replacement of test samples compared with the standard ProboStat™ furnishment. The test sample rests in a support tube, is contacted by electrode connects, and held stably in place with a spring load assembly. The setup is assembled in a single chamber mode and can be fed with virtually any gas. The sample holder is designed to operate at near-atmospheric pressure, but can be pumped to low vacuum, or hold up to 15 bar. Electrical connections are made via standard coax cables.
  • 催化膜系統


    ProboStat CMR - Catalytic Membrane Reactor
    Dense ceramic or metallic as well as microporous ceramic membranes find potential applications for separating oxygen from air, hydrogen from syngas, and CO2 from flue gas, all of importance in various energy technologies for reduced CO2 emissions from use of fossil fuels. In addition they may be applied in oxidation/reduction or hydrogenation/dehydrogenation processes. They may be used as a standalone membrane (membrane reactor, MR) or in intimate combination with a catalyst (catalytic membrane reactor, CMR). In the latter, the membrane may effectively remove or add a reactant, shifting the thermodynamic equilibrium and thereby the yield and/or selectivity.