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Omega measurement and control software 型號:Omega measurement and control software

Omega software is flexible measurement software for voltage, current, resistance, impedance, temperature or gas flow related measurements. It can measure but also control the instruments; ramp furnaces, manage gas mixing and apply currents. Experiments can be automated and actions, for example impedance sweeps, can automatically trigger at set conditions such as temperature or conductivity equilibrium.

  • Other features

    The software includes sophisticated expression parser allowing the user to plot complex mathematical expressions including functions such as "thermopower of platinum", "s-type thermocouple voltage to temperature" or "solve van der pauw equation".

    Measurements in Omega can go on for as long as you need them to, for weeks or even months. There is no limit for simultaneous measurements, so a conductivity measurement can run indefinitely indicating the equilibriums while a number of sweep measurements can be executed when appropriate.

    All graphs are fully customizable, and can be exported in publish quality as bmp, jpg and png.

    The program is also free to be copied and ran in other computers, such as home or office computers. It is thus possible to further review the saved measurements, and tune or create the plots and graphs in the comfort of a proper working desk, or finalize publishable graphs or study relations between the measured properties using the math parser.

  • Supported instruments include (but not limited to)

    • Novocontrol Alpha A series with ZG4 (EIS)
    • Solartron 1260 (EIS)
    • Hioki 3522-50 (ESI)
    • Hewlett-Packard 4192A (EIS)
    • Solartron 1287 (POTGAL)
    • Keithley 2000, 2001, 2010 etc. (DMM)
    • Keithley 2400 series (Sourcemeter)
    • Keithley 2200 series (Power supply)
    • Agilent 34970A (DMM)
    • Agilent 34420A (DMM)
    • Agilent E3642A (DMM)
    • Vögtlin smart series mass flow controllers
    • Bronkhorst mass flow controllers through DDE
    • Eurotherm 2200, 2400 and 3200 series furnace controllers
    • Pickering switches
    • Other Instruments may also be added on request, communication through GPIB or serial port/Modbus.