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Temperature Control Systems 型號:Temperature Control Systems
Novocontrol的阻抗分析儀不僅可以做變頻測量,而且可以做變溫條件下的材料介電特性的測量。 此目標的實現得益於Novocontrol自行研究開發的溫度控制系統。

  • Novocontrol的阻抗分析儀不僅可以做變頻測量,而且可以做變溫條件下的材料介電特性的測量。 此目標的實現得益於Novocontrol自行研究開發的溫度控制系統。


    Novocontrol的所有溫度系統都由微處理器控制,操作簡單、安全、全自動操作。 在低頻測量中,整個過程完全電腦控制,幾天內無需人員隨時監控。


    以下溫度控制系統可結合BDS介電與阻抗譜儀使用,即成為Novocontrol的Concept系統。 Novotherm-HT系統配備了特製的高溫樣品架,與Novocontrol的低頻分析儀配合使用。


    Quatro Cryosystem 溫度控制系統

    溫度範圍: -160~+400°C
    控溫精度: +/-0.01°C
    升溫或冷卻速度: 0.01-30°C/min
    液氮消耗: 1 L/hr (T>-100°C)

    Novocool 溫度控制系統

    溫度範圍: -100~+250°C
    控溫精度: ±0. 1℃
    升溫或冷卻速度: 0.1~20°C/min
    液氮消耗: <1.5 L/hr (T>-50°C)

    Novotherm 溫度控制系統

    溫度範圍: +20°C~+400°C
    控溫精度: ±0. 1℃
    升溫或冷卻速度: 0.1~50°C/min


    溫度範圍寬:-50°C ~ 200°C

    Novotherm-HT 溫度控制系統(高溫爐)

    高溫控制系統(高溫爐),最高達1600 °C,包含一個高溫樣品架,用於在可控制大氣或真空狀態下的介電、電導與阻抗測量。

    頻率範圍從直流到 1MHz,結合Alpha,Beta和Alpha-A分析儀使用,除ZGS 和G22,所有test interfaces都適用。


    Novotherm-HT1200   Tmax=1200℃
    Novotherm-HT1400   Tmax=1400℃
    Novotherm-HT1600   Tmax=1600℃
    • 系統包含溫度控制器、爐體和樣品架。
    • 高溫樣品架可在控制氣氛下工作,如真空、惰性氣體、反應氣體、pH2O等。
    • 推薦選擇WinDETA控制軟體(通過RS-232串口)、Alpha,Beta和Alpha-A分析儀、除ZGS,G22所有test interfaces。
    • H2O等環境下介電常數和電導測量。
    • 燃料電池成分試驗。
    • 感測器實驗。
    • 電極動力學。
    • 電化學泵,氣體滲透和電子催化作用,出口配備氣體分析。


  • Temperature control extends the performance of dielectric- and impedance spectroscopy.
    Many key aspects of material properties such as molecular relaxations, conductivity, phase separation, phase transitions, activation energy, glass temperature, rate of blending, purity, ageing, curing and many others can be determined.

    All Novocontrol temperature systems are turn key and microprocessor controlled.
    They are designed for easy, safe and full automatic operation enabling computer controlled experiments over several days without supervision as required for low frequency measurements.

    All systems are operated either from the front panel or by a GPIB computer interface. 

    The following temperature control systems are available and can be combined with any BDS dielectric- and impedance spectroscopy systems.


    Quatro Cryosystem 

    Temperature range −160 °C ... 400 °C

    Temperature ramps from 0.01 °C/min .. 20 °C/min

    0.01 °C temperature stability

    Low nitrogen consumption, typically 1 l/hr at T> −100 °C


    Temperature range −100 °C ... +250 °C

    Temperature ramps from 0.1 .. 20 °C/min

    Temperature accuracy ±0.3 °C

    Low liquid nitrogen consumption (< 1.5 l/hr at T> −50 °C)


    temperature range ambient ... 400 °C

    temperature ramps from 0.01 .. 20 °C/min

    0.1 °C temperature accuracy and stability


    T range (PHECOS): −50 °C to 200 °C (for Tambient<25 °C)1

    T range (PHECOS Lite): −35 °C to 150 °C (for Tambient<25 °C)

    T accuracy: 0.2 °C

    temperature ramps from 0.01 °C/min up to 30 °C/min


    This is a series of turn key high temperature control system up to 1600 °C including a sample cell for dielectric, conductivity and impedance measurements under controlled atmosphere or vacuum. 

    The frequency range covered by the sample cell is DC .. 1 MHz and operation with the Alpha, Beta and Alpha-A analyzers and all test interfaces except ZGS and G22 is recommended.

    The Novotherm-HT systems were designed for easy, safe and fully automatic operation enabling computer controlled experiments over several days without supervision as required for low frequency measurements.

    Novotherm-HT1200   Tmax=1200℃
    Novotherm-HT1400   Tmax=1400℃
    Novotherm-HT1600   Tmax=1600℃
    • Turn key temperature control system including temperature controller, oven and 19" mounting rack.
    • Temperature resolution: 0.1 °C
    • Sample cell for high temperature tests under controlled atmosphere conditions like e.g. vacuum, inert gas, reactive gas, pH2O, etc included.
    • Crucibles for melting glass.
    • Recommended for operation in combination with DETACHEM control software via IEEE488 (GPIB) interface and Alpha, Beta and Alpha-A analyzers and all test interfaces except ZGS and G22.
    Application examples:
    • Permittivity and conductivity measurements vs T,  pH2O, etc;
    • Fuel cell components testing;
    • Sensor testing;
    • Electrode kinetics;
    • Electrochemical pumping, gas permeation and electrocatalysis with gas analysis (e.g. GC or MS) on outlets;
    • Determination of the ionic transport numbers of membranes.