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Spectro-EC Kit for UV/Vis Analysis 型號:Spectro-EC Kit for UV/Vis Analysis
Spectro-electrochemistry (光譜電化學) 是一種連體/混合技術,可同時利用電化學方法 (例如:循環伏安法 (CV))和光譜學 (例如:UV-VIS),對電化學反應或產品進行表徵。
  • Spectro-electrochemistry (光譜電化學) 是一種連體/混合技術,可同時利用電化學方法 (例如:循環伏安法 (CV))和光譜學 (例如:UV-VIS),對電化學反應或產品進行表徵。這兩種技術所提供的資訊也是互補的。舉例來說,電化學氧化的不穩定產物可以在其衰變之前用光譜檢測出來。MF-SPEC-ECKIT 是專為 PalmSens 客戶量身打造的套件,客戶希望利用 UV-Vis 光譜分析擴展其電化學研究。此套件可讓使用者在 200-1100 nm的波長範圍內,進行完全同步的電化學原位量測與紫外可見光光譜分析。也可針對 IR、Vis-NIR 或 Raman 光譜進行客製化。

    恒電位儀相容性:MF-SPEC-ECKIT 與任何具有輔助連接埠選項的 PalmSens 恒電位儀/恒電流儀相容,例如 PalmSens 4EmStat4X MultiPalmSens 4 系列。

    如何訂購: 只需從上述相容選項中選擇任何一款恒電位/恒電壓儀,並在訂單中添加以下兩項即可。從第一天開始,您就可以進行即插即用的 Spectro-EC 分析了。

    零件編號 描述
    MF-SPEC-ECKIT 用於 UV-Vis 分析的光譜-電化學套件。
    PALM-SPECTROEC-EXT Avantes 的 Spectro-EC 擴充模組。
    包括:. PALM-CBL-AUX-AVAN - 連接器電纜,用於將 PalmSens 恆電位儀連接到 Avantes 光譜儀、Spectro-EC 測試槽,連接線焊接到電極上。
    測試槽規格:8 mm ×6.5 mm × 1 mm
    特點:形狀像比色皿,周圍有光。由全石英熔體製成,具有 PTFE 蓋。

    Spectro-EC 槽套件選項: 批量流動式 Spectro-EC 槽選項如下。每個 Spectro-EC 槽套件包括一個白金/金的小型金屬網、一個薄層石英玻璃槽、一個帶孔的槽蓋、一個吹掃管和白金對電極。

    EF-1350:Spectro-EC 槽套件,含白金材質的小型金屬網 (1 mm 網徑長度)。
    EF-1362: Spectro-EC 槽套件,含白金材質的小型金屬網 (0.5 mm 網徑長度)。
    EF-1351: Spectro-EC 槽套件,含金材質的小型金屬網 (1 mm 網徑長度)。
    EF-1363: Spectro-EC 槽套件,含金材質的小型金屬網 (0.5 mm 路徑長度)。

    進階選項: 更多進階的流式 Spectro-EC 槽套件也可從下列選項中選擇。如需在進階配件選項中增加更多客製化選項,請與我們聯絡。

    零件編號 描述
    RX-A-MM-SPEC-EFC1 光纖光譜-電化學流通槽裝置、SMA 905、1.75 ml、磁性固定座、水性電解液。
    RX-A-MM-SPEC-EFC7 光譜-電化學流通槽裝置,光路縮減,4mm 光路,0.7 ml

    光譜儀: AvaSpec-ULS2048CL
    光源: Avalight-DHc

  • MF-SPEC-ECKIT: Spectro-EC Kit for UV-Vis Analysis

    Spectro-electrochemistry is a hyphenated / hybridized technique where electrochemical reactions or products are simultaneously characterized by electrochemical methods, e.g., cyclic voltammetry (CV), and spectroscopy, e.g., UV-VIS. The information both techniques deliver is complementary as well. For example, an unstable product of electrochemical oxidation can be detected by spectroscopy before it decays. The MF-SPEC-ECKIT is a customized kit made for our PalmSens customers wanting to expand their electrochemical research with UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis. This kit will allow users to conduct fully synchronous and in-situ measurements for electrochemistry along with UV-Vis Spectroscopy in the wavelength range of 200-1100 nm. Customized versions are possible for IR, Vis-NIR or Raman Spectroscopy as well. 

    Application Note: PSAN-410 – Spectro-electrochemistry 

    Potentiostat Compatibility: MF-SPEC-ECKIT is compatible with any of the PalmSens Potentiostats / Galvanostats with auxiliary port options such as PalmSens 4, EmStat4X, and MultiPalmSens 4 series. 

    How to Order: Simply select any of the Potentiostat / Galvanostat from the compatible options above and add the following two items to the order. You are ready to conduct plug-n-play Spectro-EC Analysis from day one.

    Part Number Description
    MF-SPEC-ECKIT Spectro-Electrochemistry Kit for UV-Vis Analysis. 

    Spectro-EC Extension Module to Avantes.

    Includes:. PALM-CBL-AUX-AVAN - Connector Cable to connect a PalmSens Potentiostat to an Avantes spectrometer, Spectro-EC Cell with wires soldered to the electrodes.

    Cell Specifications:8 mm × 6.5 mm × 1 mm

    Features: Shaped like a cuvette, surrounded by light. Made of full quartz melt with PTFE lid.

    Application: Suitable for electrochemical testing in the process of in situ UV – visible spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and other spectral signal response.

    SPECTRO-EC CELL KIT OPTIONS: Batch flow type Spectro-EC Cell options are available below. Each Spectro-EC cell kit includes a Pt / gold mini-grid, a thin layer quartz glass cell, a teflon lid with holes, a purging tube, and platinum counter electrode.

    EF-1350: Spectro-EC cell kit with Pt mini-grid (1 mm path length)
    EF-1362: Spectro-EC cell kit with Pt mini-grid (0.5 mm path length)
    EF-1351: Spectro-EC cell kit with Au mini-grid (1 mm path length)
    EF-1363: Spectro-EC cell kit with Au mini-grid (0.5 mm path length)
    ADVANCED OPTIONS: More advanced flow-based Spectro-EC Cell kits are also available from the options below. Please contact us to add more customization options in advanced accessory option.

    Part Number Description
    RX-A-MM-SPEC-EFC1 Optical fiber Spectro-electrochemical flow cell setup, SMA 905, 1.75 ml, Magnetic Mount, Aqueous Electrolytes
    RX-A-MM-SPEC-EFC7 Spectro-electrochemical flow cell setup with reduced optical path, 4mm path, 0.7 ml 

    Technical Information:

    Spectrometers: AvaSpec-ULS2048CL

    Light Source: Avalight-DHc