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Software 型號:Software
用於介電和阻抗譜分析、溫度控制、U-I 測量、TSDC 和數據分析的軟體。在現代測量系統中,軟體扮演著重要角色,因為它通常代表使用者與系統之間的介面。

Novocontrol 提供以下軟體套件,用於系統控制、數據評估和表示以及非線性曲線擬合。
  • 用於介電和阻抗譜分析、溫度控制、U-I 測量、TSDC 和數據分析的軟體。在現代測量系統中,軟體扮演著重要角色,因為它通常代表使用者與系統之間的介面。

    Novocontrol 提供以下軟體套件,用於系統控制、數據評估和表示以及非線性曲線擬合。


    DETACHEMDETACHEM 是Novocontrol最新的軟體套件,是對前 WinDETA 和 WinCHEM 軟體套件的大幅擴充。 因此,它具有介電/阻抗譜(頻域)和電壓/電流(U-I)時域測量的所有測量和設定功能。 主要新功能包括簡化的實驗設定(基本模式)、具有重複選項的時域和頻域測量組(進階模式)、自動設備偵測和改進的圖形。



    WinDETA 是Novocontrol用於介電和阻抗儀系統控制的標準軟體套件。包括多維實驗設定、數據評估以及二維或三維線上圖表的圖形表示。



    WinDETA 是一款經濟型軟體套件,用於控制和評估無溫度控制的介電和阻抗測量。 WinIMP 包含 WinDETA 和 WinPLOT。




    WinFIT 提供強化版的介電/阻抗資料評估功能,包括分子弛豫的非線性曲線擬合和等效電路模型,以及強大的二維和三維圖形。



    控制Novocontrol的 TSDC 系統。 支援靈活的多維實驗定義,包括熱視窗和時域。 包括數據評估和功能強大的二維和三維線上圖形。


  • In modern measurement systems, software plays a key role as it typically represents the interface between the user and the system.

    Novocontrol offers the following packages for system control, data evaluation and representation and non linear curve fitting.


    DETACHEM is our most recent software package, representing a vastly extended merge of former WinDETA and WinCHEM packages. As a consequence, it allows all measurement and setup features for dielectric/impedance spectroscopy (frequency domain) and voltage/current (U-I) measurements in the time domain. Key new features are a simplied experiment setup (basic mode), more sophisticated experiments with groups of time and frequency domain measurements with repetition options (advanced mode), automatic device detection, and improved graphics.



    is our standard package for system control of dielectric and impedance spectrometers. Multi dimensional experiment setup, data evaluation and graphical representation in two or three dimensional online diagrams are included.



    is an economical package for control and evaluation of dielectric and impedance measurements without temperature control. WinIMP includes WinDETA and WinPLOT.




    offers enhanced evaluation for dielectric / impedance data including non linear curve fitting for molecular relaxations and equivalent circuit models with powerful two and three dimensional graphics. 



    controls our TSDC system. Supports flexible multi dimensional experiment definition including thermal windowing and time domain. Data evaluation and powerful two and three dimensional online graphics are included.