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Single-Unit Dielectric Analyzers Alpha and Beta 型號:Alpha / Beta

Alpha 分析儀具有高品質的通用介電、電導、阻抗譜 ( 二極式 )和增益相位測量功能。

Beta 分析儀具有相同的功能,但也支援 3極 / 4極配置。

這兩款分析儀都結合了高精度寬頻介質材料表徵系統和中低阻抗範圍的典型阻抗分析儀。 這種組合使它們成為獨一無二、易於使用且整體性能卓越的儀器。
  • Alpha 單機介電分析儀  Beta 單機介電分析儀


    Alpha 分析儀具有高品質的通用介電、電導、阻抗譜 ( 二極式 )和增益相位測量功能。

    Beta 分析儀具有相同的功能,但也支援 3極 / 4極配置。

    這兩款分析儀都結合了高精度寬頻介質材料表徵系統和中低阻抗範圍的典型阻抗分析儀。 這種組合使它們成為獨一無二、易於使用且整體性能卓越的儀器。

    Beta 和 Alpha 分析儀的阻抗範圍為 16 個數量級,頻率範圍為 13 個數量級,單一儀器的基本相位精度為 1m°。 這種組合使它們成為電分析儀器的強大工具。 因此,這兩款分析儀可以在寬頻和寬溫度範圍內測量幾乎所有材料或元件的介電常數、電導率和阻抗,而無需改變樣品幾何形狀或樣品治具。

    使用 3極、4 極式技術可以很好地部分補償電極-樣品介面的極化或接觸阻抗效應。

    Beta 分析儀電壓通道輸入阻抗為 1012| 10 pF,超出了大多數同類儀器的量程,因此可視為寬頻 3 極、 4極測量的重大改進。

    Beta 和 Alpha 分析儀是功能更強大、更靈活的模組化 Alpha-A 系列的前身和經濟型替代產品,可透過一系列測試介面進行擴展,這是 Beta 和 Alpha 系列無法實現的。 有關這三個系列的詳細比較,請點擊此處



    • 頻率範圍寬廣,從310-5 4107 Hz,包括用於表徵介電弛豫、電化學和高阻抗效應的低頻。
    • 超寬阻抗範圍10-2 Ω 11014 Ω16數量級),涵蓋從導體到最佳絕緣體的各種類型。
    • 超寬容量範圍 10-15 .. 1 F,可寬頻測量小至 1 fF 的最小容量。
    • 相位和損耗因子 tan(δ) 絕對精度高(分別為 0.002 ° 3.10-5),適用於低損耗介質材料和絕緣體的寬頻鑑定。
    • 透過進階 GPIB 命令操作的單一整合設備,可在自己的程式或現有測量設定中簡單直接地實施。 無需額外客製化軟體、頻率響應分析儀、鎖相放大器或介面。
    • 使用者可自動進行自我校正和診斷,消除長期內部漂移並驗證功能。
    • 全頻率範圍內的高次諧波測量,用於阻抗和增益相位測量,以了解材料或信號中的非線性電氣響應。
    • 高達 40 MHz 的精密數位頻率響應分析儀可進行雙通道增益相位測量,相位解析度為 0.001°,振幅解析度為 10-5 
    • 可選配 DETACHEM 控制軟體,用於校正、操作、數據評估、2D 3 D圖形顯示。



  • Alpha + Beta 簡要規格



    3 μHz ... 40 MHz (13.1 數量級)


    0.01 Ω .. 1014 Ω (16數量級 )  


    1 fF ... 1 F (15數量級 )

    損耗因子 tan(δ)

    10-5 .. 104


    100 μV .. 3 Vrms

    DC 偏壓輸出

    −40 VDC .. +40 VDC, 最大 70 mA **


    50 Ω


    ± 4.3 Vp 直流或交流耦合


    差動電壓輸入(僅 Beta 版)


    1012 Ω | 10 pF


    < 10-4 below 100 kHz
    < 10
    -3 dB below 1 MHz


    < 2.10-12 A



    相對阻抗、相對容量、損耗因數 tan(δ)

    < 3.10-5 ***


    < 2 m° ***


    相對阻抗、相對容量、損耗因數 tan(δ)

    < 10-5


    < 0.6 m°





    GPIB / IEEE488  


    具有線上圖形的 DETACHEM 數據擷取軟體

     Alpha-NAlpha-T  Beta-NBeta-T 型組合使用

    ** 需要直流偏壓選購件 B

    *** 詳見規格表


    Alpha and Beta 介電分析儀類型





    40 MHz

    Alpha-T or Beta-T

    20 MHz

    Alpha-N or Beta-N

    3 MHz

    Alpha-K or Beta-K

    0.3 MHz

    Alpha-L or Beta-L


    Alpha and Beta 介電分析儀選項





    直流偏壓 ±40V70mA



    備註:性能/價格比最佳的建議型號是 Alpha-NB  Beta-NB20 MHz,帶直流偏移)。

  • Alpha 單機介電分析儀

     Beta 單機介電分析儀


    Dielectric Analyzers for Dielectric, Conductivity and Impedance Spectroscopy and Gain Phase Measurements

    The Alpha analyzer features high quality general purpose dielectric, conductivity, impedance 2 electrode spectroscopy and gain phase measurements.

    The Beta analyzer has the same functionality, but supports 3 and 4 electrode configurations in addition.

    Both analyzers combine a high class precision broadband dielectric material characterization system with a typical impedance analyzer for the low and middle impedance range. This combination makes them unique and easy to use instruments with exceptional overall performance.

    The Beta and Alpha analyzers cover 16 orders of magnitude impedance range, 13 orders of magnitude frequency range and 1m° basic phase accuracy in a single instrument. This combination makes them powerful tools for electric analysis instrumentation. As a result, the analyzers can measure the permittivity, conductivity and impedance of nearly all materials or components broadband and over a wide temperature range without changing sample geometry or sample cells.

    3 or 4 electrode techniques can be advantageously used in order to partly compensate electrode - sample interface polarization or contact impedance effects.
    The Beta analyzer voltage channel input impedance is 1012| 10 pF which exceeds the range of most competing instruments by several orders of magnitude and therefore can be seen as a major improvement in broadband 3 and 4 electrode measurements.

    The Beta and Alpha analyzers are predecessors and  economical alternatives to the more powerful and flexible modular Alpha-A series, which can be extended by a series of test interfaces, which is not possible for the Beta and Alpha series. A more detailed comparison of the three series can be found here.


    • Broad frequency range 3⋅10-5 to 4⋅107 Hz including low frequencies for characterization of dielectric relaxations, electrochemical and high impedance effects.
    • Ultra wide impedance range 10-2 Ω to 1014 Ω (16 decades) covers range from conductors to best isolators.
    • Ultra wide capacity range 10-15 .. 1 F allows broadband measurement of smallest capacities down to 1 fF. 
    • High phase and loss factor tan(δ) absolute accuracy (0.002 ° and 3.10-5, respectively) for low loss dielectric materials and isolators broadband characterization.
    • Single integrated device operated by high level GPIB commands for easy and straightforward implementation in own programs or existing measurement set-ups. No additional customized software, frequency response analyzer, lock-in amplifier or interface required.
    • Automatic self calibration and diagnosis by user cancels out long term internal drift and verifies functionality.
    • Higher harmonics measurement over full frequency range for impedance and gain phase measurements for non linear electric response in materials or signals.
    • Precision digital frequency response analyzer up to 40 MHz for two channel gain phase measurements with 0.001° phase - and 10-5 in amplitude resolution included.
    • Optional control DETACHEM software for turnkey calibration, operation, data evaluation, 2- and 3- dimensional graphical representation.