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Setup for measurements on large samples

The ProboStat™ setup for measurements on large samples has been developed for measurements on disk samples with diameters in the range from 25 up to 60 mm. It can be operated under controlled atmosphere in single atmosphere mode, and temperature range RT-1600 °C.

  • The ProboStat™ setup for measurements on large samples has been developed for measurements on disk samples with diameters in the range from 25 up to 60 mm. It can be operated under controlled atmosphere in single atmosphere mode, and temperature range RT-1600 °C.

  • The setup is dedicated for:

    • 2-point impedance spectroscopy and conductivity measurements on large disk samples vs T, pO2, pH2O, etc.
    • 2-point conductivity measurements with surface guard,
    • electrode impedance studies with ring reference electrode,
    • voltammetry studies with ring reference electrode,
    • H/D isotope effect measurements.