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Samples for training 型號:Samples for training

The samples are disks with 0, 1, 2, or 3 Pt electrodes or bars without electrodes or with Pt end-face electrodes. The electrodes are made with commercial Pt-pastes and may have Pt mesh embedded. The samples are uniaxially cold-pressed and subsequently sintered to >90% density. The ceramic powders are mostly commercial state-of-the-art supplies or spray-pyrolyzed.

  • The samples are disks with 0, 1, 2, or 3 Pt electrodes or bars without electrodes or with Pt end-face electrodes. The electrodes are made with commercial Pt-pastes and may have Pt mesh embedded. The samples are uniaxially cold-pressed and subsequently sintered to >90% density. The ceramic powders are mostly commercial state-of-the-art supplies or spray-pyrolyzed.

  • Sample shapes

    Sample shape



    20 mm diameter
    1-2 mm thickness






    van der Pauw 4-point measurements
    Application of own electrodes

    1 (counter electrode)

    Application of own working electrode

    2 (counter and ring reference electrodes)

    Application of own working electrode

    2 (working and counter electrodes)

    2-electrode conductivity measurements
    Impedance spectroscopy
    Transport number measurements in concentration cells
    Fuel cell tests
    Electrochemical reactors

    3 (working, counter, and ring reference electrodes)

    Electrode studies
    Impedance spectroscopy
    Electrochemical reactors
    Surface guarded measurements of insulating materials (ring electrode used as surface guard)

    4 (+/-1) cm long
    4-10 mm width


    4-point conductivity measurements
    Seebeck-coefficient measurements

    4 (+/-1) cm long
    4-10 mm width

    2 (end faces)

    4-point conductivity measurements
    Seebeck-coefficient measurements


    Sample materials


      Powder supply

         Typical properties

    Yttria-stabilized zirconia 8YSZ

    (92 mol% ZrO2 + 8 mol% Y2O3)


         Oxygen ion conductor

    Iron-substituted calcium titanate CTF10



         Mixed n- and p-type electronic and oxygen ion conductor 

    Ytterbium-substituted strontium cerate SCYb5



         High-temperature proton conductor

    Yttria-substituted barium zirconate BZY15-Ni

    (BaZr0.85Y0.15O3 + 1 wt% NiO)


         High-temperature proton conductor

    Yttria-substituted barium zirconate BZY



         High-temperature proton co