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SDT200 多功能超音波測漏儀

  • 標準內置的超音波感測器
  • 內置紅外線測溫感測器
  • 內置鐳射定位
  • 一個外接感測器通道介面,可連接附加可選的感測器
  • 400個節點位置的內部記憶體來儲存靜態測量
  • 標準USB conntection
    • 標準內置的超音波感測器
    • 內置紅外線測溫感測器
    • 內置鐳射定位
    • 一個外接感測器通道介面,可連接附加可選的感測器
    • 400個節點位置的內部記憶體來儲存靜態測量
    • 標準USB conntection



  • 螢幕 高解析度,帶背光液晶顯示器 (128×64 圖元)
    鍵盤 12個功能鍵
    內置的感測器 內置超音波感測器
    外部感測器 通過特定的連接器連接(LEMO7針連接器)
    資料儲存 可存4000個測量資料
    頻寬 (-3dB) 2kHz
    頻率範圍 0 to 100 kHz
    測量模式 最大MAX/平均RMS
    通訊方式 USB通訊介面
    測量範圍,精度,測量解析度 -20dBμV到120dBμV /  ±0.5 dBμV / 0.1dBμV
    信噪比,回應時間 -5dBμV 典型 /  >10μs
    電池組 可充電電池(有短路、反接和溫度保護)
    工作溫度 -15 °C to +60 °C
    重量 約830 g (含電池)
    尺寸 226 x 90 x 40 mm (長 x 寬 x 高)
    耳機 130 dB , 抗噪單雙耳式
    外形結構 輕便手持,材料為拋光鋁
    自動關機 可預設自動關機時間
  • Reducing your energy costs is a difficult challenge faced by many industries in today’s economy. But, it doesn’t have to be.

    Undetected air or steam leaks, bearing failures and electrical panel faults cost you real money. There’s a way to cut these extra expenses from your energy bill.
    Preserve the health of your assets with the SDT200 ultrasound detector. Hear air leaks, trend and monitor the condition of your bearings, safely inspect electrical panels and schedule repairs on your own terms, long before they shut you down – all with ultrasound technology.

    ATEX Certified

    The SDT200 meets the requirements set by ATEX for use in the most dangerous and potentially explosive atmospheres in the world. For the first time, ultrasound inspectors working in intrinsically safe-rated zones now have access to the unique and advanced features of the SDT200.

  • Function

    Multifunction detector

    Software for transferring data to PC

    DataDump Application


    Graphic LCD with backlighting (128 x 64)

    Auto power down

    Auto power down after preset time


    12 function keys.

    Operating temperature

    -15 °C to +60 °C / 14 °F to 140 °F non condensing

    Built-in sensors

    Ultrasonic sensor, Pyrometer (according to the version)


    Extruded Aluminum

    External sensors

    Through specific connector (Lemo 7 pin connector)


    226 x 90 x 40mm (8.9 x 3.54 x 1.57 inches)

    Data Logger

    – 20 Measurement Nodes (measurement points)
    – Total 4000 Measurements (measurements data)


    ±770 g / 27 oz.


    USB interface


    Noise isolating, NRR 25 dB
    (tested in an accredited NVLAP laboratory)

    Battery pack*

    Rechargeable battery type: 8 cell, 4.8 V,
    NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride)
    Nominal capacity: 4.4 Ah
    Life span: 500 to 1,000 charge/discharge
    Autonomy: 6 to 7 hours
    Protections: short-circuit, reverse polarity
    and temperature protected


    for optimum performance, this battery pack is equipped
    with an electronic management system
    (includes digital serial number, capacity and
    temperature management).