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Quantum Computing Control System (QCCS) 型號:QCCS
Zurich Instruments專注於提供最精密的電子儀器和軟體,説明使用者有效地擴展系統中量子比特的數量同時保證靈活性。 在儀器間提供有效的協作機制是極其重要的,我們的系統能夠連結高級量子演算法和實體層的類比信號。 Zurich Instruments現在首先推出全球首款商用的量子控制系統(QCCS),即圖中的“Classical System Control, Software & Hardware”層。
  • Zurich Instruments專注於提供最精密的電子儀器和軟體,説明使用者有效地擴展系統中量子比特的數量同時保證靈活性。 在儀器間提供有效的協作機制是極其重要的,我們的系統能夠連結高級量子演算法和實體層的類比信號。
    Zurich Instruments現在首先推出全球首款商用的量子控制系統(QCCS)。

    QCCS 主要特性

    • 硬體指標針對低雜訊、高解析度和大頻寬應用設計。
    • 結構緊湊、易於擴展,方便未來隨時擴展通道。
    • 精巧的設計,實戰驗證的方案,所有輸入輸出通道都具有精確的同步和巧妙的設置
    • 高效的軟體,LabOne®能有效的連接高級量子演算法和物理系統的類比信號
  • QCCS 組件

    • Programmable Quantum System Controller (PQSC) 同步並控制高達18台HDAWG。
    • UHFQAUHFQA量子比特分析儀使用最前沿的科技,可並行讀取高達10個量子比特
    • HDAWG是緊湊的8通道任意波形發生器,用於量子比特控制
    • LabOne®控制軟體(Windows和Linux平臺)及LabVIEW®, Python, C, MATLAB®, .NET開發平臺下的API


    Zurich Instruments的PQSC可程式設計量子系統控制器將用於超過100量子比特的控制儀器連接成一體。 PQSC具有低延遲即時通信鏈,專為量子計算而設計;PQSC突破了傳統控制方式的局限,使自動快速地進行量子比特校準成為現實。 它提供FPGA程式設計介面,FPGA型號是功能強大的 Xilinx UltraScale+。這為開發新的,優化的信號處理方案提供了平臺。這些方案可以用於特定的演算法和電腦架構中實現快速調諧和糾錯。


    Zurich Instruments的UHFQA量子比特分析儀是市場上首台高速高精度,可並行讀取高達10個超導或自旋量子比特的儀器。 UHFQA覆蓋的頻率寬度高達±600 MHz,並具有納秒級別的時間精度。 它擁有2個輸入通道和2個輸出通道,用於IQ基帶操作。 得益於低延遲的信號處理鏈路(包含matched filters, real-time matrix operations, 及state discrimination),即便是超過100個量子比特的量子電腦系統,UHFQA也能提供支援。


    擁有市場上最高通道密度和最先進的同步特性,HDAWG任意波形發生器是針對高達64通道應用的最佳選擇。 2.4GSa/S、16位元信號生成,優異的雜訊特性和超低的觸發延遲,使得測試系統性能更上一層新臺階。 LabOne控制軟體提供直觀、有效的任意波形編輯、程式設計方式。

  • Zurich Instruments is intent on contributing with the finest electronics and software to enable our customers to scale efficiently to a large number of qubits while keeping the complexity at bay. We believe that the efficient and well-orchestrated interplay between the required instruments gives our customers a key advantage, linking high-level quantum algorithms with their physical qubit implementation.

    Zurich Instruments now offers the first commercial Quantum Computing Control System (QCCS) which is equivalent to the layer labeled "Classical System Control, Software & Hardware". This part of the stack ensures reliable control and measurement of the quantum device while providing a clean software interface to the next higher level in the stack.

    QCCS Key Features

    • Hardware specifications match the application: Low noise, high resolution, and ample bandwidth.
    • Ready to scale: Compact design. You can add channels at any time.
    • A well thought through & tested systems approach: Precise synchronization and sophisticated orchestration of all input and output channels.
    • Productivity-boosting software: Our LabOne® software efficiently connects high-level quantum algorithms with the analog signals of the physical system.
  • QCCS Components

    • The Programmable Quantum System Controller (PQSC) synchronizes and controls up to 18 HDAWGs.
    • The UHFQA Quantum Analyzer reads out up to 10 qubits simultaneously using state-of-the-art filter technology.
    • The HDAWG is a very compact 8 channel high-density AWG for qubit control.
    • LabOne® control software (Windows and Linux) and APIs for LabVIEW®, Python, C, MATLAB®, .NET

    PQSC-Programmable Quantum System Controller

    The Zurich Instruments PQSC Programmable Quantum System Controller brings together the instrumentation required for quantum computers of up to 100 qubits and more. Its ZSync low-latency real-time communication links are designed specifically for quantum computing; the PQSC overcomes the practical limitations of traditional control approaches, making automated and rapid qubit calibration routines a reality. Programming access to the powerful Xilinx UltraScale+ FPGA is the basis for developing new and optimized processing solutions for rapid tune-up and error correction adapted to the specific algorithm and computer architecture used.

    UHFQA-Quantum Analyzer for Parallel Qubit Readout

    The Zurich Instruments UHFQA Quantum Analyzer is a unique tool for parallel readout of up to 10 superconducting or spin qubits with highest speed and fidelity. The UHFQA covers a frequency span up to ±600 MHz, with nanosecond timing resolution. It features 2 signal inputs and 2 outputs for IQ base-band operation. Thanks to its low-latency signal processing chain of matched filters, real-time matrix operations, and state discrimination, the UHFQA supports a roadmap for ambitious quantum computing projects with 100 qubits and more.

    HDAWG-High-Density Multi-Channel AWGs

    With the highest channel density and the most advanced synchronization features on the market, the HDAWG Arbitrary Waveform Generator is the first choice for applications of up to 64 channels. The superior noise characteristics of the 2.4 GSa/s, 16 bit signal generation and an ultra-low trigger latency allow you to push your measurement setup to new levels of performance. The LabOne control software provides an intuitive and efficient way of programming arbitrary signals.