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Microrad Analyzer for Complex Signals DC-40GHz 型號:NHT 3DL
。時域/頻域測量:選頻模式:0Hz~1MHz / 寬頻模式:100kHz~40GHz。
  • NHT 3DL 專門設計用於在時域和頻域提供電磁場測量。

    兩種模式下的頻寬均為 1 MHz


    FFT分析模式下,1 MHz頻段,有4個十進位的頻帶 1/10/100 /1 000 kH z,每十進位的解析度為 1 000點,並具有自動峰值搜索標記。


    搭配100 kHz40 GHz 射頻探棒的寬頻作模式下可將脈衝信號基本頻帶解調至500 ns


    NHT 3DL可透過光纖或無線(Wi-Fi)連接完全遠端控制。



    NHT 3DL 是具有最先進技術的新型電磁波分析儀。


    具有高解析度彩色觸控顯示幕使用介面,可通過 Wi-Fi進行遠端控制,並顯示在Windows系統(PC/平板電腦),及安卓裝置(智慧手機)上。

    符合2013/35 / EU指令,可實時執行加權峰值測量(WP10)。


    在寬頻模式下,NHT 3DL可以解調和重建,Tau值高達500 ns的脈衝雷達信號。

  • 一般規格

    。電池: 鋰充電式電池

    。操作時間: > 24 小時 (無背光及外部附件)

    。充電時間: 3 小時

    。電池電量指示: %指示

    。內建感測器: 濕度(精度 ±2%) 及溫度(精度 ±0.2°C)

    。工作溫度: -10 °C~ +50 °C

    。存放溫度: -20 °C ~ +70°C

    。濕度: 5至95%,無凝露

    。體積 (H x W x D): 170x85x31mm (不含探棒)

    。重量: 650g (包含電池,不含探棒)

    。製造國家: 義大利



    選頻模式: DC – 1 MHz

    寬頻模式: 100 kHz – 40 GHz


    圖形化顯示幕: 4.3” TFT, 272 x 480 像素, 262K 色彩

    背光: LED,自動或手動亮度調整,可在太陽下閱讀

    輸入裝置: 電阻性觸控螢幕及按鍵


    。測量單位: V/m, kV/m, A/m, W/m2, mW/cm2, uW/cm2, uT, mT, 高斯, % (依探棒而定)

    。顯示測量範圍: 從 0.00001至 999’999 (依探棒與所選單位而定)

    。更新率: 每秒 4 次

    。結果形式: rms 瞬時值及峰值, 3軸總量值及各軸分量值

    。時間平均: 可選從 1 秒至 24小時的移動視窗之 rms值

    。空間平均: 單次蒐集的平均值

    。加權指數: 加權峰值的計算是根據Icnirp 1998 民眾限制值標準,Icnirp 2010 工作環境標準,及2013/35 / EU 指令; 主要國際標準

    。最大值保持: rms 瞬時值及最大加權指數值的顯示

    。組合模式: 電場及磁場值 的同時 顯 示( 系 列 33 探棒 )

    。時間測量: 最小(達500ns)及最大脈衝寬度測量及占空比計算


    • The NHT 3DL has been specifically designed to provide on board measurements of electromagnetic field characteristics in both time and frequency domains.
    • The bandwidth in both modes is 1 MHz.
    • Thanks to this solution it is possible to analyze and store complex waveforms with transitory/pulse features.
    • In the FFT Analysis mode, the device covers the 1 MHz band in four decades, 1/10/100/1,000 kHz with 1,000 points resolution per decade and automatic peak search markers.
    • In the Oscilloscope mode, it displays high-definition time frames with manual trigger function and Amplitude/Time marker.
    • In the broadband operating mode with RF probes from 100 kHz to 40 GHz, it demodulates the pulse signal base band up to 500 ns, with automatic measurement of Tau, PRF and Duty Cycle values.
    • This mode has been specifically designed for the Radar sources recognition and measurement.
    • NHT 3DL can be completely remotely controlled via fiber optic or wireless (Wi-Fi) connections.
  • General Specification

    Battery: LiPo rechargeable
    Operation time: > 24 hours (backlight and external accessories off)
    Charging time: 3 hours
    Battery level indication: Percentage indicator
    Integrated sensors: Humidity (accuracy ±2%) and temperature (accuracy ±0.2°C)
    Operating temperature: -10 °C to +50 °C
    Storage temperature: -20 °C to +70°C
    Humidity: 5 to 95%, non-condensing
    Size (h x w x d): 170 x 85 x 31 mm (without probe)
    Weight: 650 g (including battery without probe)
    Country of origin:  Italy

    Frequency range

    Selective mode: DC – 1 MHz
    Wide Band mode: 100 kHz – 40 GHz

    Operation Interface

    Graphic display: 4.3” TFT, 272 x 480 pixel, 262K color
    Backlight: LED, automatic or manual intensity adjustment, readable in the sun
    Input devices: Resistive touch screen and keypad

    Measurement Functions

    Measurement units: V/m, kV/m, A/m, W/m2, mW/cm2, uW/cm2, uT, mT, Gauss, % (depending on the probe)
    Display measurement range: From 0,00001 to 999’999 (depending on the probe and on the selected unit)
    Refresh period: 4 times per second
    Result types: r.m.s. instantaneous and peak, isotropic and individual Cartesian components
    Time average: r.m.s. value on a moving window selectable from 1 sec to 24 hours
    Space average: Single acquisitions average value
    Weighted indexes:

    Weighted peak calculated according to the limit levels set by the guidelines Icnirp'98 for the population, Icnirp’10 for the working environments, and by the directive
    2013/35/EU for the lower, upper, localized levels; main international standards
    Max Hold: Display of the r.m.s. instantaneous value and of the maximum weighted index value
    Combined mode: Simultaneous display of electric and magnetic field values (Series 33 probes)
    Time measurement: Minimum (up to 500 ns) and maximum pulse width measurement and duty cycle calculation