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DT Analyser 型號:MI 3280
MI 3280 數位式變壓器分析儀是一款可攜式、電池(鋰離子)供電的測試儀器,用於診斷單相和三相變壓器的匝比、相位偏差、激磁電流和繞組電阻。它具有出色的 IP 防護:IP65(外蓋閉合)、IP54(外蓋開啟),允許儀器在惡劣環境下使用。操作簡單容易上手,操作者無需特殊培訓即可操作儀器。對於專業用戶,可以使用自動序列和視覺測試。
  • MI 3280 數位式變壓器分析儀是一款可攜式、電池(鋰離子)供電的測試儀器,用於診斷單相和三相變壓器的匝比、相位偏差、激磁電流和繞組電阻。它具有出色的 IP 防護:IP65(外蓋閉合)、IP54(外蓋開啟),允許儀器在惡劣環境下使用。操作簡單容易上手,操作者無需特殊培訓即可操作儀器。對於專業用戶,可以使用自動序列和視覺測試。


    • 單相和三相變壓器的匝比測量。
    • 高壓繞組和低壓繞組之間的相位偏差。
    • 激磁電流。
    • 單相和三相變壓器繞組電阻測量(1.6 MVA以下的電力變壓器)。


    • 4.3" TFT高解析彩色觸控螢幕。
    • 操作簡單容易上手,操作者無需專門培訓即可操作儀器。
    • 測試結果可儲存在儀器上。標配的應用軟體可將測量結果傳輸至電腦進行分析或列印。
    • 內建幫助頁面,提供現場人員使用上的幫助。
    • 自動測試序列。
    • 標配內建充電器和可充電電池。
    • 通過內建藍芽與PC、Android平板電腦和智慧型手機進行通訊。
    • PC SW Metrel ES Manager,用於自定義測試結構、上傳、下載測試結果、自動測試編輯器和創建報告。
    • 出色的 IP 防護:IP65(外蓋閉合)、IP54(外蓋開啟)
  • The MI 3280 Digital Transformer Analyser is a portable, battery (Li-ion) powered test instrument intended for diagnosing of turn ratio, phase deviation, excitation current and winding resistance of single and three phase transformers. It has an excellent IP protection: IP65 (case closed), IP54 (case open) allowing the use of the instrument in harsh environments. The operation is straightforward and clear to enable the user to operate the instrument without the need for special training. For advanced users the Auto Sequences and visual tests are available.

    Measuring functions

    • Turn ratio measurement of single and three phase transformers.
    • Phase deviation between high voltage and low voltage winding.
    • Excitation current.
    • Winding resistance measurement of single and three phase transformers (Power Transformers up to 1,6 MVA).

    Key features

    • High resolution colour touch screen, 4.3" TFT.
    • The operation is straightforward and clear to enable the user to operate the instrument without the need for special training.
    • Test results can be stored on the instrument. PC software that is supplied as a part of standard set enables transfer of measured results to PC where they can be analysed or printed.
    • Built-in help screens for referencing on site.
    • Autotest sequences.
    • Built-in charger and rechargeable batteries as standard accessory.
    • BT communication with PC, Android tablets and smart phones via built-in BT.
    • PC SW Metrel ES Manager for creation of test structures and uploading, downloading of test results, autotest editor and report creation.
    • High degree of protection IP 65 (case closed), IP 54 (case open).