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Metrel Electric Automatic Trip Out Protection Tester / MI 3144 型號:MI 3144 Euro Z 800 V
• 為一多功能可攜式鋰電池或電源供電的測試儀器。
• 外殼關閉時可達IP65保護等級,外殼開啟時可達IP54保護等級。 
• 可經由Android app aMESM、MI 3152、MI 3152H、MI 3155或MI 3325控制。
• 用於變壓器和其他高壓設備出現故障時,測量自動跳脫保護的有效性。 
• 具備用於AC和DC電路上的高精度線路和迴路之阻抗測量,及用於局部電流和局部壓降的dR 300A大電流線路和迴路測量,此儀器非常適合在工業環境中使用。
• 同時支援接觸電壓量測、故障電流注入的ELR接地漏電電驛測試、跳脫時間量測和DC電源、線路和電池及蓄電池量測。
  • 高精度4芯300 A Z線路和Z迴路阻抗測試儀。

    用於AC電網800 V / 16~420 Hz之大範圍阻抗量測。

    用於DC電網3~260 V之電源和線路電阻量測。

    大電流dR 300 A 4芯局部壓降和電流通道電阻量測。

    • 接地漏電電驛(ELR)跳脫測試時間和電流量測。

    • ELR支援的AC、A和B類型。








    CAT IV 600V(3000 m)安全類別。





    變壓器高精度4芯 300A Z線路和迴路阻抗測試。

    • 局部壓降和局部夾鉗電流通道電阻量測。

    機場高頻寬16~420 Hz安裝阻抗測試。

    •  DC電網和電源線路和迴路電阻。

    •  Flex & Iron單鉗大電流dR 300 A接地方法,用於雷電系統。

    使用Flex和Iron單鉗方法的電流dR 300A接地系統。

    •  ELR (MRCD)跳脫電流及跳脫時間測試。


    當電流負載超過200 A,變壓器、發電機、接觸器、配電板及電場發生故障時的自動跳脫保護。


    • 高精度電池電阻測試。

    • 可經由測量兩個測量棒間的電阻進行完整的接地電網測試。



    • 單鉗接地電阻測試。




     EN 61326


     EN 61010-1

     EN 61010-2-030

     EN 61010-031



     EN 61557

     IEEE 81-2012

     EN 60909-0

     EN 60947-2 Annex M


     EN 62133-2



    MI 3152 EurotestXC (藍芽及RS-232)

    MI 3152H EurotestXC 2.5kV (藍芽及RS-232)

    MI 3155 EurotestXD (藍芽及RS-232)

    MI 3325 MultiServiserXD (藍芽)

    A 1522 aMESM 做為執行測試的操作台


  • 技術規格:

    阻抗Z / Z線路mΩ / Z迴路mΩ

    a.測量範圍: 0.1 mΩ~199.9 mΩ   解析度:0.1 mΩ   精度: ±(5%讀值+3 mΩ)

    b.測量範圍: 200 mΩ~1999 mΩ   解析度:1 mΩ      精度: ±(5%讀值+3 mΩ)

    c.測量範圍: 2.00 Ω~19.99 Ω      解析度:10 mΩ     精度: ±(5%讀值+3位數)

    阻抗Z / 大電流ΔR

    a.測量範圍: 0.1 mΩ~199.9 mΩ   解析度:0.1 mΩ   精度: ±(5%讀值+3 mΩ)

    b.測量範圍: 200 mΩ~1999 mΩ   解析度:1 mΩ      精度: ±(5%讀值+3 mΩ)

    c.測量範圍: 2.00 Ω~19.99 Ω       解析度:10 mΩ    精度: ±(5%讀值+3位數)

    阻抗Z / 大電流Rsel

    a.測量範圍: 0.1 mΩ~199.9 mΩ   解析度:0.1 mΩ   精度: ±(8%讀值+3 mΩ)

    b.測量範圍: 200 mΩ~1999 mΩ   解析度:1 mΩ      精度: ±(8%讀值+3 mΩ)

    c.測量範圍: 2.00 Ω~19.99 Ω       解析度:10 mΩ    精度: ±(8%讀值+3位數)

    •DC電阻R / R線路mΩ

    a.測量範圍: 0 mΩ~1999 mΩ     解析度:1 mΩ      精度: ±(5%讀值+3位數)

    b.測量範圍: 2.00 Ω~19.99 Ω     解析度:10 mΩ    精度: ±(5%讀值+3位數)

    接地電位U (Utouch)

    a.測量範圍: 0.0 V~199.9 V      解析度:0.1 V       精度: 計算值

    b.測量範圍: 200 V~999 V        解析度:1 V          精度: 計算值

    接地電位U (Um)

    a.測量範圍: 1 mV~1999 mV     解析度:1 mV       精度: ±(2%讀值+2位數)

    b.測量範圍: 2.00 V~19.99 V     解析度:10 mV     精度: ±(2%讀值+2位數)

    c.測量範圍: 20.0 V~199.9 V     解析度:0.1 V       精度: ±(2%讀值+2位數)

    ELR測試I和t / ELR I

    a.測量範圍: 0.1 mA~199.9 mA   解析度:0.1 mA    精度: ±(5%讀值+3位數)

    b.測量範圍: 200 mA~1999 mA   解析度:1 mA       精度: ±(5%讀值+3位數)

    c.測量範圍: 2.00 V~19.99 V       解析度:10mA      精度: ±(5%讀值+3位數)

    ELR測試I和t / ELR t

    a.測量範圍: 0.1 ms~199.9 ms    解析度:0.1 ms    精度: ±(2%讀值+3位數)

    b.測量範圍: 200 ms~1999 ms    解析度:1 ms       精度: ±(2%讀值+3位數)

    c.測量範圍: 2.00 s~20.00 s        解析度:10ms      精度: ±(2%讀值+3位數)




    電池電源供應: 7.2 V DC (4.4 Ah鋰電池)

    電池充電時間: 3小時(深度放電)

    主電源:90~260 V AC,45~65 Hz,80 VA

    過電壓類別:300 V CAT II

    保護級別: 加強隔離

    測量類別:600 V CAT IV


    防護等級: IP65(外殼關閉),IP54(外殼開啟)

    尺寸:36cm寬 × 16cm高 × 33cm深




    • High precision 4-wire 300 A Z Line and Z Loop Impedance Tester.
    • High range impedance measurements in 800 V / 16 ... 420 Hz AC networks.
    • DC source & line resistance measurements in 3 ... 260 V DC networks.
    • High current dR 300 A 4-wire Partial Voltage drops and Current's Path Resistances.
    • Earth Leakage Relay (ELR) trip-out testing time and current.
    • ELR supported types AC, A, B.
    • Ground fault analysis with Contact, Touch and Step voltage.
    • Floating voltmeter for partial contact results.
    • One-clamp high current grounding method with clamps (flex & iron).
    • Selectable test load (16.6 % to 100 %).
    • Improved thermal performance.
    • Portable battery (Li-ion) or mains powered test instrument.
    • IP protection: IP65 (case closed), IP54 (case opened).
    • CAT IV 600 V (3000 m) safety category.
    • Bluetooth communication.
    • Black box design (remote-controlled via an Android device).


    • Live Power Transformer Hi Precision 4-wire 300 A Z Line / Loop Impedance testing.
    • Partial Voltage Drops and Partial Clamp Current’s Path resistance measurements.
    • Airports High Frequency Band 16 ... 420 Hz Installation Impedances testing.
    • DC Networks’ and Power Sources’ Line and Loop Resistances.
    • Flex & iron one-clamp high current dR 300 A Grounding method for Lightning systems.
    • High Current dR 300 A Integrity of Grounding; system with Flex and Iron One-Clamp method.
    • ELR (MRCD) trip-out Current and trip-out time testing.
    • Earth Potentials by method of measuring Step, Touch and Transfer voltages.
    • Automatic trip-out protection evaluation in case of faults in transformers, generators, turbines, contactors, distribution boards and switchyards whenever energetic loads and sources of protection exceed 200 A.
    • Power transformer and motor winding measurement.
    • High accuracy battery resistance testing.
    • Ground grid integrity testing by measuring the resistance between two risers.
    • Contact voltage measurement.
    • High current injection ground fault simulation.
    • One clamp earth resistance testing.



    Electromagnetic compatibility:
    • EN 61326
    • EN 61010-1; EN 61010-2-030;
      EN 61010-031; EN 61010-2-032
    • EN 61557; IEEE 81-2012; EN 60909-0; EN 60947-2 Annex M
    Li–ion battery pack:
    • EN 62133-2


    • MI 3152 EurotestXC (Bluetooth, RS-232)
    • MI 3152H EurotestXC 2.5kV (Bluetooth, RS-232)
    • MI 3155 EurotestXD (Bluetooth, RS-232)
    • MI 3325 MultiServiserXD (Bluetooth only)
    • A 1522 aMESM as a console for performing tests




    Impedance Z / Z line mΩ / Z loop mΩ

    a. measurement: 0.1 mΩ~199.9 mΩ   resolution: 0.1 mΩ   accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 mΩ)

    b. measurement: 200 mΩ~1999 mΩ   resolution: 1 mΩ     accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 mΩ)

    c. measurement: 2.00 Ω~19.99 Ω     resolution:10 mΩ     accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 digits)

    • Impedance Z / High current ΔR

    a. measurement: 0.1 mΩ~199.9 mΩ   resolution: 0.1 mΩ   accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 mΩ)

    b. measurement: 200 mΩ~1999 mΩ   resolution: 1 mΩ     accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 mΩ)

    c. measurement: 2.00 Ω~19.99 Ω     resolution:10 mΩ     accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 digits)

    • Impedance Z / High current Rsel

    a. measurement: 0.1 mΩ~199.9 mΩ   resolution: 0.1 mΩ   accuracy: ±(8% of reading+3 mΩ)

    b. measurement: 200 mΩ~1999 mΩ   resolution: 1 mΩ     accuracy: ±(8% of reading+3 mΩ)

    c. measurement: 2.00 Ω~19.99 Ω     resolution:10 mΩ     accuracy: ±(8% of reading+3 digits)

    • DC resistance R / R line mΩ

    a. measurement: 0 ~1999     resolution: 1     accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 digits)

    b. measurement: 2.00 Ω~19.99 Ω     resolution: 10    accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 digits)

    • Earth potential U / Utouch

    a. measurement: 0.0 V~199.9 V      resolution: 0.1 V      accuracy: Calculated value

    b. measurement: 200 V~999 V       resolution: 1 V        accuracy: Calculated value

    • Earth potential U / Um

    a. measurement: 1 mV~1999 mV     resolution:1 mV      accuracy: ±(2% of reading+2 digits)

    b. measurement: 2.00 V~19.99 V     resolution:10 mV     accuracy: ±(2% of reading+2 digits)

    c. measurement: 20.0 V~199.9 V     resotution:0.1 V      accuracy: ±(2% of reading+2 digits)

    • ELR test / I and t / ELR I

    a. measurement: 0.1 mA~199.9 mA   resolution:0.1 mA    accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 digits)

    b. measurement: 200 mA~1999 mA   resolution:1 mA      accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 digits)

    c. measurement: 2.00 A~19.99 A      resotution:10 mV    accuracy: ±(5% of reading+3 digits)

    • ELR test / I and t / ELR t

    a. measurement: 0.1 ms~199.9 ms    resolution:0.1 ms    accuracy: ±(2% of reading+3 digits)

    b. measurement: 200 ms~1999 ms    resolution:1 ms      accuracy: ±(2% of reading+3 digits)

    c. measurement: 2.00 s~20.00 s      resotution:10 ms     accuracy: ±(2% of reading+3 digits)


    Battery power supply: 7.2 V DC (4.4 Ah Li-ion).
    Battery charging time: typical 3.0 h (deep discharge).
    Mains power supply: 90~260 V AC, 45~65 Hz, 80 VA.
    Over-voltage category: 300 V CAT II.
    Protection classification: reinforced insulation.
    Measuring category: 600 V CAT IV.
    Pollution degree: 2.
    Degree of protection: IP 65 (case closed), IP 54 (case open).
    Dimensions (w x h x d): 36 cm x 16 cm x 33 cm.
    Weight: 6.5 kg (without accessories).