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Mobile Fume Extractor 型號:LX10MFE


  • 它是一種空氣淨化設備,其淨化系統由風扇、高效過濾器,活性炭過濾器組成,可提供部分高度淨化的環境。配備HEPA過濾器,確保過濾效率為0.3um。氣流為垂直層流型,可自由移動設備,易於操作和安裝。

    • 自由移動,易於操作和安裝
    • 高效率空氣微粒子過濾網確保過濾效率
    • 氣流為垂直層流
    • 高效活性碳過濾器
    • 高效率


  • 外形尺寸(寬x深x高) 500 x 500 x 980毫米
    氣流速度 0.3〜0.6m /秒
    過濾效率 在0.3μm時的效率為99.999%
    噪音 ≤75dB(A)
  • It is air purification equipment which can provide partial high purified environment with purification system consists of fan, primarily efficient filter, high efficient and activated carbon filter. Equipped with HEPA filter ensures the filtering efficiency at 0.3um. The airflow is vertical laminar flow type and it is freely moving equipment and easy to operate and install.

    • Freely moving, easy to operate and install
    • Hepa filter ensures the filtering efficiency
    • Airflow is vertical laminar flow
    • high efficient and activated carbon filter
    • High efficient


  • External Size (W x D x H) 500 x 500 x 980 mm
    Airflow Velocity 0.3~0.6m/s
    Filter Efficiency 99.999%efficiency at 0.3μm
    Noise ≤75dB(A)